Peter Krepper

Mediator FSM/SAV
Klärungshelfer komet
Coach & Systemic Supervisor
Attorney at law
Phone +41 43 344 32 64
Preferred areas of activity
- Business mediation (also small and mid cap) and mediation for contract partners
- Workplace & partnerships mediation (also non-government agencies)
- Real estate and construction, neighborhoods
- Inheritance mediation
- Coaching und Supervision (
- Solution Focused Mediation (Institut Perspektiva Basel, according to Marco Ronzani et al.)
- Clarification assistance according to Chr. Thomann at A. Kunzmann & S. Mouret (Komet)
- Continuing education in coaching, team and organizational development
- Post-graduate course in personnel management for NPO VMI Fribourg
- Post-graduate studies of mediation for business, environment and administration (at university of FHNW)
- Bar exam
- Doctorate: “On the Dignity of the (Living) Creature in Gene Technology and Law” University of Bern
- Law School at the University of Zurich
Professional Experience
- Partner at Krepper Spring Partners
- Co-founder and member of Bellevue-Mediation, Zurich
- Partner in a Zurich law firm
- Legal secretary of the Social Security Court of the Canton of Zurich
- Associate in a law office for commercial law and at the Zurich District Court
More information (in German):
Other Commitments
- Head of legal aid office of the Association of Zurich Music Schools VZM
- Lecturer for various topics at University of Zurich, HKB, ZHdK
- Swiss and Zurich Bar Association
- Swiss Mediation Association SDM
- Institute for Mediation IfM
Publications on mediation
- Zwischen Ego und Nirvana – kleine Mediation zum Selbst (Perspektive Mediation 3-2024 184ff)
- Und morgen sind wir alle tot – Reflexionen zur Erbmediation (Perspektive Mediation 4-2022 261 ff.)
- Autonomie im Konflikt: Selbstreflexion eines Mediators, Zürich 2022
- Stolpersteine bei der Unternehmensnachfolge – Mandatserwahrung mit Mediation, TREX 6/2017 338 ff.
- Mediation: nein danke!? (Perspektive Mediation 04/2017 258 ff., © Verlag Österreich)
- Anwaltsexamen über Mediation, Anwalts-Revue 3/2013, 107 ff.
- Mediation in der Praxis: Erfolg dank Eignung, AJP 10/2012, 1427 ff.
- Unpaid mediators for high-value conflict solutions (AJP 7/2000 S. 803 ff.)
- Successful conflict solutions with Mediation – an Overview … when a mean neighbor does not want to… (in: Team 72, published by, Mediation, Dec. 2000, S. 4 ff.)
- Mediative conflict work on the dignity of animals – weighing interests using the example of the Ethics Commission (published by Basel University, appeared in May 2002)