James T. Peter
Mediator SAV/SKWM, Attorney at law, LL.M.
Phone +41 43 344 32 64
Phone +41 43 344 32 64
- Co-founder and partner Bellevue Mediation since 2001
- Independent mediator and attorney since 1999 (now Krepper Spring Partner)
- Mediator at the Dispute Resolution Center, Austin TX (1997)
- Lecturer/trainer in mediation, conflict management, communication, and negotiation: ZHAW, University of Lucerne, University of Zurich, University of St. Gallen, Kalaidos FH/STI
Professional focus and area of experience in mediation
- Disputed claims, conflict-laden partnerships, projects in crisis, project support, burdened joint ventures – in industries/sectors such as
- Trade & Industry
- Real Estate
- Life Science & Healthcare
- Information Technology
- Finance
- Workplace Mediation:
- Between senior leaders
- Management committees
- Teams
- Owners
- Employees
- Inheritance disputes & corporate succession
- In-house conflict management concepts (system design) (e.g. Children’s Hospital Zurich, Cantonal Hospital Graubünden)
- Transaction support (deal mediation & negotiation support)
- Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SCCM) (former president)
- International Academy of Mediators (IAM) (Distinguished Fellow and former board member)
- Institute for Mediation (IfM)
- American Bar Association, Section Dispute Resolution (ABA)
- Swiss and Zurich Bar Association (SAV / ZAV)
Publications on mediation
- Dos & Don’ts für Rechtsanwälte in der Mediation, Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess und Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht (ZZZ), 2021, 550 ff.
- Daniel Girsberger/James T. Peter, Alternative Dispute Resolution («Aussergerichtliche Konfliktlösung»), Zurich 2019
- «Bin ich kompetent? Beitrag zum persönlichen Konfliktmanagement» («Am I competent? Contribution to a Personal Conflict Management»), Praxis Kommunikation, 4/2016, 50 seq
- Commentary on Swiss Civil Procedure Act, Art. 19, 20, 29, 30, 197-218, Bern 2012
- «Mediation for Money Claims», in HAVE Schlichten statt richten, Zürich 2012, p. 35 et seq.
- «Court Related Commercial Mediation: Experience Report», AnwaltsRevue 10/2012, p. 464 et seq.
- Court Related Mediation, Commentary on Mediation in the Swiss Civil Procedure Act, Bern 2011
- «Mediation in the project for a Swiss Civil Procedure Act» («Mediation in der geplanten schweizerischen Zivilprozessordnung»), Perspektive Mediation, 2005/2, p. 92 ff.
- «The meaning of different Mediation styles» («Die Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Mediationsstile»), Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement 2/2005, p. 48 ff.
- Interview: «Investment loss: Mediator can help», Cash No. 16, 17. April 2003, p. 50 f.
- «Disputes in IT-Projects» («Vom Umgang mit Konflikten bei IT-Projekten», NZZ 24. September 2002, B 10
- Co-author: Settlement weeks at the District Court of Zurich («Mediationwochen am Bezirksgericht Zürich (Schweiz)»), in: ZKM – Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement, April 2002
- Mediation: A process to overcome barriers to conflict resolution («Mediation: Ein Verfahren zur Überwindung von Einigungshindernissen»), in: Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP) 2000, p.18 ff.
- «Med-Arb in international Arbitration», in: The American Review on International Arbitration, Vol. 8 No.1 1997